a change of plans
30/11/12 09:35 Filed in: commentary on website building | Zoo Design theory

As all good plans go, I haven't gone live in a week - -but I have a good excuse!

Gail asked me to build her Website as well, so I switched gears again and started work on Tourism For Peace. Her site is huge and is chock full of information nested into each page, so I spend most of the time digging to get to the full depth of her content. It's pretty impressive and expansive so it took some time to just figure out an organizational format…until Gail got involved! After a brutal trashing of my first attempt, she pulled together a compressive site map - and I was thankful. I also was using some new tools. My site and the Coton site are built of simple parts and I enjoyed the constraints of the program. Now, with Gail's project I had to expand my toolbox with "Blocks" and "Stacks" and RW Multi-tool. Now I've got banners, backgrounds, photo/text integration and lots of extra bits. Now I look back at Ursa and Cotons, and I may need to do some major tweaking.
But that can wait - today is 12-12-12 and I'm taking the day off to enjoy the power of multiple 12's! As those that know me - Gail's Intuitive/Spiritual side has not migrated into my way of life - so while she is in Arizona at some meditation retreat with her girlfriends - I'm at a coffee house preparing to go out to our local Natural History museum (Fernbank) and have a lunch out and hit the art museum in the afternoon before I come home to feed Dogs.
Hope everyone got to celebrate the multiple 12 day as they each enjoy. Then we move on to 12-21-12…