The Lecture Circuit
25/10/13 19:22 Filed in: Zoo Design theory
Making a Splash at Zoo Atlanta
13/07/13 08:24 Filed in: Project design work | Zoo Design theory

I guess I haven’t quite gotten the hang of Blogging as a time specific art form yet. So much has happened that I have let pass without communicating to the blog-sphere – I’m falling down on the job. So now, let me tell you a story about how we brought Wet to the Wild! Read More...
FInally - back to my blog
15/04/13 15:43 Filed in: other peoples projects | Zoo Design theory

I knew it would be great, but now, walking on it, I know this is a transformative point in Atlanta history. Read More...
Can we get back to work now?
01/04/13 19:34 Filed in: Travel and project design work | Zoo Design theory

My interest in Blogging seemed to fall apart as soon as I went live! Partly because this "blog" has no feedback mechanism. I can talk, but you can't talk back. Please feel free to email me with comments - to discuss in depth any of the subjects I write about. Today's topic - 2013 projects.
Is there really still a debate going on?
11/01/13 16:53 Filed in: Zoo Design theory

I've been recently reminded of the lack of consistent appreciation that we, as human, have towards Zoos and Animal Sanctuaries in our culture. Many people still regard them as a collection of oddities and menageries of powerful people, and at worse case, money making exploitations. Read More...
Let's build something together
07/01/13 15:29 Filed in: commentary on website building | Zoo Design theory
Another rainy holiday
01/01/13 21:08 Filed in: commentary on website building | Zoo Design theory