Can we get back to work now?
01/04/13 19:34 Filed in: Travel and project design work | Zoo Design theory

My interest in Blogging seemed to fall apart as soon as I went live! Partly because this "blog" has no feedback mechanism. I can talk, but you can't talk back. Please feel free to email me with comments - to discuss in depth any of the subjects I write about. Today's topic - 2013 projects.
This year has gone by slowly, very deliberately and is turning into a new butterfly for the spring. I have taken on a series of new assignments and have many new possibilities in the offing. Mostly due to a pro bono, Zoo Design course that I taught with my buddy, Jon Coe in Brazil. We had a great time and meet several exciting people that are interested in our help. Looking forward to seeing what comes of that.
Otherwise we are on track with our quick and top secret project at Zoo Atlanta. Surprising to me - we can design and build a big attraction for $400K in 5 months. We are almost half way there - stay tuned.
North Carolina Polar Bear is inching its way toward completion. i"ll be up there next wednesday to kick off the DD phase of our new Ocelot exhibit. An architect has been selected, and we can now get to it. At the end of the month, I'll be flying to Lido California to do a 1st pass at a new concept planning project. This zoo has some rather specific goals and vision - we will see.
Off in the near distance, the start of the Children's Zoo project at Franklin Park with the big team of C7, Main Street Design, Sally Coyle and Ursa. Can't wait to get that project started. Also Chimp Haven will return with a next phase - as they prepare to accept 100 more chimps.
That's 6 projects - and it doesn't even include the Brazil projects - looks like the Recession is over!
Otherwise we are on track with our quick and top secret project at Zoo Atlanta. Surprising to me - we can design and build a big attraction for $400K in 5 months. We are almost half way there - stay tuned.
North Carolina Polar Bear is inching its way toward completion. i"ll be up there next wednesday to kick off the DD phase of our new Ocelot exhibit. An architect has been selected, and we can now get to it. At the end of the month, I'll be flying to Lido California to do a 1st pass at a new concept planning project. This zoo has some rather specific goals and vision - we will see.
Off in the near distance, the start of the Children's Zoo project at Franklin Park with the big team of C7, Main Street Design, Sally Coyle and Ursa. Can't wait to get that project started. Also Chimp Haven will return with a next phase - as they prepare to accept 100 more chimps.
That's 6 projects - and it doesn't even include the Brazil projects - looks like the Recession is over!