rainy Christmas time
25/12/12 21:14 Filed in: commentary on website building | Zoo Design theory

We just went through our first complicated litter delivery - and I am done with breeding dogs! But they are awful cute!

It started as a simple idea - update the website. A way to get our firm folio on-line in an easily updatable form that will be attractive and user friendly. Then I started to learn more and see more and it's turned into a major time drain - but one that I have enjoyed building. This evening I finally feel like it's in a form that can go live and I won't be too embarrassed! In fact, I think I really like it. But here it is Christmas and I haven't published yet - my new goal is New Years Day; a month longer than originally considered - but I have good excuses (I think I've used that line!) - Gail added two more websites to the task, I found a better, more interesting 'theme' (that's web builder jargon for format), and then the puppy came! That's a long story, but the current status is, Uma had a single puppy three days ago and it has kept Gail and I very busy, or should I say distracted. We've been on edge because the puppy was not a big strong one, but a weak, fragile one that needs a bunch of care - but I have say, we are in a much better place now. How a 5 oz wiggling stick of butter can keep us so focused is truly remarkable. As the rain comes down we are thankful for sleeping pup and mom, a website that has stopped changing and a light project workload.
Merry Christmas 2012 - we made it! All of us.